The Greater Dayton Region Had the Most Registered Events for Manufacturing Day in the U.S.

10 Nov 2022
The manufacturing sector has a long history in the Dayton Region of Ohio, but its continued success is because of innovation, investment, and an eye on the future. The Dayton Region Manufacturers Association (DRMA) is the voice for the region’s manufacturing industry. DRMA is a catalyst of advancement, focusing on building partnerships and championing education for workforce development.
DRMA’s commitment to educating the region’s students about modern manufacturing careers is never more apparent than during MFG Day (Manufacturing Day), an initiative started by the Manufacturing Institute to inspire the next generation. Manufacturing Day generally stretches into Manufacturing Month to introduce students, educators, and parents to the wide variety of careers available in the manufacturing industry.
“The greater Dayton Region had the largest number of events registered on the official MFG Day website in the country!” said Kayla Manuel, DRMA Program Coordinator. “We are very proud of our region’s participation in MFG Day. We continue encouraging local companies to open their doors to present their facilities and highlight career path availability at their contemporary manufacturing facilities. The fact we are the largest participant in MFG Day is a tribute to our members’ regional commitment to our workforce and the economic vitality of the region.”
“This year, we had 31 DRMA members across six counties participate in MFG Day,” continued Manuel. “They hosted approximately 1,800 students from 40 middle and high schools. The most exciting part is that students see and feel firsthand high-tech processes and equipment, including robotics, additive manufacturing (3D printing), machine learning, smart technologies, and more in actual manufacturing applications.”
When a company opens its doors during a Manufacturing Day event, they are really taking a novel approach to workforce development. As manufacturers nationwide seek to fill four million high-skill, high-tech, and high-paying jobs over the next decade, Manufacturing Day empowers manufacturers to address the challenges of finding qualified workers while helping their communities and future generations thrive.
“Many young people have never experienced what today’s manufacturing careers look like,” said Manuel. “Additionally, their parents and teachers may have outdated or negative perceptions of the industry. MFG Day allows everyone who participates to see what high-tech, advanced modern manufacturing looks like. MFG Day often presents and seeds manufacturing as a ‘cool’ career opportunity that aligns with their dreams and goals.”
“The average entry-level position for typical manufacturers in the region pays significantly higher
than many other industries, such as fast food, retail, or office work,” said Manuel. “Manufacturing offers opportunities for growth and advancement that lead to life-long careers. Regional manufacturing jobs offer a comfortable living wage, financial support for ongoing education, and opportunities for growth and advancement. And, with approximately 2,500 manufacturing companies in the Dayton Region, young jobseekers have numerous avenues to find an opportunity that meets their career aspirations.”
DRMA’s efforts are not limited to just one day. “This year, we’ve encouraged our members to consider hosting events outside of the “official” date, as October can be a very busy month for some schools,” said Manuel. “One member held a very successful ‘MFG Day Spring Edition’ in May, which was highly attended and very successful. We have plans for more spring events in 2023.”
Contact DRMA to learn more about the myriad benefits of membership. They can help your company host your own manufacturing event.
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