Community Development
Montgomery County will hold a virtual public hearing to get the views of citizens, public agencies and other interested parties on a Substantial Amendment to the FY19 Action Plan.
This amendment will define projects and activities to be undertaken with additional HUD funds to respond to local needs as a result of COVID-19. To expend these funds quicker, HUD has permitted waivers regarding citizen participation, including virtual hearings and a shortened public comment period. The amendment to the County’s Citizen Participation Plan will also be part of this virtual hearing.
Finally, Montgomery County is beginning preparation of it FY20 Action Plan, which focuses primarily in communities outside Dayton and Kettering, as these communities receive a direct allocation of funds from HUD, based on their population exceeding 50,000 persons. This virtual hearing will also be a forum to discuss new and emerging housing and community development needs in Montgomery County. The FY 2020 Action Plan will be part of the County’s HUD-approved FY2018-2020 Consolidated Plan. The Plan is required to receive federal funds for housing and other community development within the County. In addition, the hearing will discuss projects previously undertaken with CDBG funds.
Click here to view the Public Notice.
Click here to view the Amendment to the Montgomery County Participation Plan.
We encourage you to complete the Citizen Comment form below if you have comments or feedback regarding the proposed amendment to the Montgomery County Participation Plan.