Past Programs
This page is for informational purposes only. Montgomery County no longer has NSP or Lead program funding available for distribution.
HUD'S Neighborhood Stabilization Program provided emergency assistance to state and local governments to acquire and redevelop foreclosed properties that might otherwise become sources of abandonment and blight within their communities. Since 2009, HUD has awarded three rounds of NSP funding. Montgomery County received a direct allocation through NSP1 of $5.98 million and $1.1 million in NSP3 funding.
- NSP1 Quarterly Reports 2013
- NSP3 Quarterly Reports through March 2013
- Montgomery County NSP Plan Overview
- Montgomery County NSP1 Plan (Substantial Amendment)
Past NSP1 Request for Proposals
The goal of the Montgomery County Lead program was to control and prevent housing/environmental conditions which might result in childhood lead poisoning. This was accomplished by providing educational information to the public, coordinating with various agencies, rehabilitating targeted high-risk affordable housing, investigating and responding to families of lead-poisoned children, enforcing applicable laws, and responding to community complaints and inquiries.
Additional Resources:
- Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home (English)
- Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home (Spanish)
- Reducing Lead Hazards When Remodeling Your Home (English)
- Reducing Lead Hazards When Remodeling Your Home (Spanish)
- Lead Paint Safety: A Field Guide for Painting, Home Maintenance, and Renovation Work