Dayton Area Logistics Association (DALA)

8 N. Main Street • Suite 100 • Dayton, OH 45402-1904
United States
Dayton Area Logistics Association (DALA)'s Photo

The Dayton Area Logistics Association (DALA), a program of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, is a private sector business group that advocates for and supports logistics and distribution companies, their suppliers and support services in the Dayton region.

Through advocacy and marketing, DALA works to grow and support the logistics and distribution industry in the Dayton region.

The Dayton region is strategically situated in one of the most logistically advantageous locations in the world. A collection of multi-modal infrastructure points are located within three miles of each other including: the interchange of Interstates 70 & 75, the Dayton International Airport with a dedicated freight runway and on-site warehouse, a Foreign Trade Zone with tariff and duty exemptions, and a CSX Freight Rail Line, which is connected to the Toledo shipping port.