Dayton Metro Library plays an integral role in creating and maintaining a healthy workforce in the Miami Valley. With strategic partnerships, the Library works to advance educational attainment through the exploration of career, college and work opportunities. From expertise and resources to free workshops and one-on-one sessions, Dayton Metro Library provides assistance, forges connections, and offers inspiration for students, job seekers, workers in transition, employers and businesses who are reaching for success.
Workshops & Programs
JOB SEEKERS is a long-running Library program realizing impressive results. Designed for those who are new to the job market, transitioning, or returning after a long absence, each month expert presenters discuss topics that can range from current trends in resumes and interview skills, to work and volunteer opportunities that support career goals.
Since its inception in January 2016, Job Seekers has helped more than 220 individuals. Doug represents a typical Job Seekers success story. He attended his first Job Seekers meeting at the Miami Township Branch Library after losing a long-time IT position. Ann Riegle-Crichton, Business Services Librarian, shares Doug’s story.
“At the first Job Seekers meeting he attended, Doug met Retired Colonel Cassie Barlow, who shared information on the Aerospace Development Center’s cyber security classes, which are ideal for older, experienced workers in transition. Doug was intrigued by what he heard, his OMJ benefits paid for re-training classes, and he is now employed in a new career in cyber intelligence – a program he knew nothing about until he attended Job Seekers.”
Job Seekers sessions are held the first Thursday of each month at the Miami Township Branch Library, 2718 Lyons Road, and the third Wednesday of each month at the Northwest Branch Library, 2410 Philadelphia Drive. Details and topics can be found at
Statistics show that the average worker will change job three times before age 42. That's a lot of transition! To help people think about what's next before they receive notice that their job is ending, the Library regularly runs a program series titled YOUR CAREER PLAN: CHOICE, NOT CHANCE. This series of three workshops guides participants in making educated choices about their careers, rather than making decisions under pressure. The series is led by professional career coach Dean Waggenspack.
“My primary work is with individuals who want to develop a career plan, which is more than just ‘What's my next job?’" says Waggenspack. “With the average job tenure around three to four years, a plan is crucial to be ready for change.”
Your Career Plan: Choice Not Chance is scheduled for Tuesdays, April 3, 10 and 24, 6:30 p.m. at the Miami Township Branch Library. More information can be found at
For individuals who want to update their skills or acquire new ones, free expert-led tutorials are accessible on the Dayton Metro Library website from LYNDA.COM FOR LIBRARIES. This self-paced learning platform offers thousands of free, online video courses in business, software, technology, and creative skills. The majority of courses are eligible for earning Certificates of Completion, which can be integrated into LinkedIn profiles, downloaded, printed or emailed to prospective employers.
Increasingly, Human Resources and hiring professionals recognize certificates and coursework to help differentiate job candidates. And, because is self-paced and accessible 24 hours a day from any computer, the coursework more easily fits into the reality of busy schedules.
The Library also offers CAREER CRUISING, a powerful online tool for career research. Users match their skills and interests to various career options, then build a portfolio, make a personalized plan, create a professional-quality resume and learn about the costs and benefits of various coursework, college and certification options. They can even explore job openings in the fields that interest them, and learn about the jobs outlook in specific fields.
Career Cruising is especially useful to students who are considering their post-high school options, but it’s also beneficial to those exploring career change. In the next decade, most high school graduates will pursue jobs that don’t even exist today. In that regard, Career Cruising is helpful for established workers who want to stay abreast of inevitable changes in the jobs market.
Both For Libraries and Career Cruising are available free of charge, 24/7, at Users create accounts to save their progress, so they can stop anytime, then pick up where they left off. A Dayton Metro Library Card and PIN are required.
The newly expanded, extensively remodeled Main Library in downtown Dayton features LAUNCH POINT on the second floor, where Business Services Librarian Ann Riegle-Crichton is based. This is where small business entrepreneurs, nonprofit fundraisers, and individuals who are considering their career or college options will find expertise, services and resources for success.
Dayton Metro Library is committed to helping Dayton create and maintain a healthy, vibrant workforce, so that individuals and families who live here can thrive. For more information about any Dayton Metro Library service, program, or resource visit or call (937) 463-2665.