Montgomery County’s 2020 US Census Count Determines Its Share of Federal Funding: Deadline is Soon
13 Aug 2020
Time is running out to get Census responses in before the September 30, 2020 deadline. It is vitally important for each household to be counted because every response equals around $1,800 per year in federal funding for Montgomery County, Ohio. That funding is crucial for schools, hospitals, roads, public works, emergency services, and other essential programs that enrich the lives of each and every Montgomery County resident.
The chance to be counted only comes around every 10 years as mandated by the Constitution. If households are undercounted, then the community will be underfunded for the next 10 years. For added perspective, every response adds up to about $18,000 of available funds over that 10 years.
In addition to determining the allocation of billions in federal funding, results from the Census also determine congressional representation and the boundaries of legislative districts. Businesses use census data to pinpoint the very best locations where they can thrive. Developers use the data to hone plans to revitalize areas of the county.
The Census questions are few in number and do not take much time to answer — information about the gender, age, and race of each person living at an address is requested. There are no questions about citizenship. Learn more about Census questions and why the Census asks them at
On August 11, 2020, Census takers began their door-to-door campaign — particularly in Dayton neighborhoods — to collect information from households who haven’t answered online, by mail or by telephone. It’s not too late to self-respond. In fact, if a household responds online at or via phone at (844-330-2020) today, a Census taker is less likely to have to visit to collect data.
But rest assured, Census takers wear masks and follow local public health guidelines. All Census takers have completed a virtual COVID-19 training on social distancing and other health and safety protocols. They will each have an ID badge with their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date. Census workers may also carry Census Bureau bags and other equipment with the Census Bureau logo.
Montgomery County is doing even more to get every household tallied. Since July, the Dayton-Montgomery County Complete Count Committee (CCC) 2020 Census Van has been making appearances throughout the region to help increase awareness and response rates. Equipped with six tablets, WiFi, and promotional items, the Census Van effort has captured enough responses to secure an estimated $2.8 million for the community over the next 10 years. But it’s not done yet. Upcoming events can be found at
And there’s more. A Census Parade is coming August 22nd, orchestrated by the Dayton-Montgomery County CCC. Check in at for upcoming details on the route and how you can get involved.
As of the beginning of August, Montgomery County had a response rate of 66.3 percent, however Dayton ranked second to last in response rates for Ohio’s 10 largest cities. The goal is for 100 percent response. The Census Bureau has an interactive map where you can keep track of how the responses from Montgomery County are adding up.
The 2020 Census is more than a population count, it’s an opportunity to shape Montgomery County's future!
What to do:
- Complete your Census! Either online, by phone (844-330-2020), or by mailing in your completed Census questionnaire that was mailed to your address in March. You can also visit the Census Van or the Census Parade; details and schedules can be found at
- Cooperate with the door-to-door campaign. Look for the census ID badge and remember, a census taker will never ask about your citizenship, your Social Security number, your bank account or credit card numbers, or request money or donations.
- Businesses and individuals can inquire about scheduling a Census Van visit at Check out the social media tools the Census Bureau has for you to encourage your neighbors to respond at