ONEIL: One of Miamisburg’s Biggest Success Stories!

10 Jul 2019
ONEIL is one of Montgomery County’s local success stories. In operation for over 70 years, ONEIL is an industry leader in technical documentation and product support.
Located in Miamisburg, this employee-owned company was founded in 1947 by Larry O’Neil, an engineer. Throughout the years, the company has doubled in size.
Since opening, ONEIL has specialized in technical documentation writing. With clients in the aerospace, defense, and commercial sectors, ONEIL creates customized technical, service, and repair manuals for their clients. This covers every aspect of use and services for the client’s product.
The ONEIL team disassembles each product completely and then puts it back together, documenting the entire process, step by step. This gives their highly skilled team all the information needed to create their manual for the product. Along with these interactive manuals, clients also receive diagnostic information and online product support.
ONEIL prides itself in giving its customers the very best documentation and support. To ensure that the customer is getting the best product, they employ a staff of highly skilled trade workers. Many of the employees working for ONEIL come from relevant fields such as manufacturing, the military, and engineering. Their workforce is made up of people who have hands-on, real-life experience with the products. The President and CEO, Hernan Olivas, attributes the company’s success to the skilled employees. Another reason he believes the company continues to be a success? Being located in Miamisburg, Ohio.
Working and living in Miamisburg, located in the heart of Montgomery County, has been a very enjoyable experience for Olivas.
“It’s just a nice place to live. I’ve been here for 14 years. My children were not born here, but they were very young when we moved here, and we are very happy. It’s a good place to balance your work and your life. ” – Hernan Olivas
Olivas has also been extremely impressed with the support his business has and continues to receive from the local government, here in Montgomery County.
“The local government is very business friendly. Since we’ve been here, we’ve had a strong relationship with the city of Miamisburg and they have supported us. They are aware of our projects, our outlook. They’re always visiting saying, ‘How can we help?’ It’s just a very good mix of all the tools and things you need to be successful in business. I would say that if you’re looking for that right mix of things - this is the place.” – Hernan Olivas
Olivas attributes the location in Montgomery County, Ohio as one of the main factors for the company’s continuing success. Montgomery County’s workforce is filled with skilled trade workers, making it easier for the company to find and retain skilled local workers. The company is employee-owned with a collaborative atmosphere. Their campus is located at the intersection of I-70 and I-75, making it easily accessible to clients.The quality of life in Montgomery County is high, making it an ideal place for Olivas and his employees to enjoy life outside work. The local government continues to help ONEIL and other local businesses thrive in the area, making the level of support businesses have from the County an invaluable resource. Is it any wonder this company has continued to thrive for over 70 years? With local talent and support, ONEIL continues to be a leader in its field and continues to thrive in the heart of Montgomery County. Here’s to 70 more years of success for the team at ONEIL!
If you are interested in learning more about ONEIL and its services, visit their website.