Montgomery County Awards Over $1M for Projects Creating 120+ New Jobs
15 Dec 2017
EDGE, Economic Development, Incentives
On Thursday, December 14, 2017, the Montgomery County Commissioners approved Economic Development/Government Equity (ED/GE) grant awards totaling $1,075,000 for eight (8) projects. The projects will help companies create 121 and retain 709 jobs in Montgomery County while leveraging $40 million in other public and private investment. “The ED/GE program is a critical component in our strategy to compete nationally and globally to attract new businesses and help our existing companies expand” said Commissioner Dan Foley. “These companies represent strategic growth in our targeted sectors and a continued pattern of foreign direct investment, and we welcome the new jobs these projects will bring to our community.”
City of Centerville – Aeroseal - $170,000
This project will allow Aeroseal, an existing manufacturing company, to acquire and renovate the vacant 40,000 square foot Planet Ford dealership in the City of Centerville. The renovated building will house the company’s corporate offices, research and development, training spaces, and warehouse. The company projects the $2.7 million investment will result in the creation of 19 new and the retention of 44 jobs. Funds will be used for acquisition and renovation costs.
City of Huber Heights – Trimble - $80,000
This project will allow Trimble to construct a new 65,000 square foot inflated dome and 4,000 square foot support building in the City of Huber Heights. The new structures will allow the company to develop and test products during inclement weather. The company projects the $4.5 million investment will result in the creation of 15 new and the retention of 550 jobs. Funds will be used for construction of the new facility.
City of Kettering – Northwestern Tools - $80,000
This project will allow Northwestern Tools, an existing manufacturing company, to purchase a vacant 50,000 square foot building in the City of Kettering. The company has outgrown its existing facility and is in need of additional manufacturing space. The company projects the $2.7 million investment will result in the creation of 25 and the retention of 40 jobs. Funds will be used for acquisition of the new building.
City of Kettering – N12 Technologies - $50,000
This project will allow N12 Technologies, a manufacturer of nanotube composite materials, to establish a production facility in the National Composite Center (NCC) in the City of Kettering. The company projects the $500,000 investment will result in the creation of 10 jobs. Funds will be used for facility upgrades, including renovation, lighting, sprinkler, and HVAC system upgrades.
City of Miamisburg – Staco Energy Consolidation - $150,000
This project will allow Staco Energy, a manufacturer of power quality and voltage control technology, to construct a new 100,000 square foot facility in the City of Miamisburg. The company projects this $7 million investment will result in the creation of four (4) new and the retention of 62 jobs. Funds will be used for property acquisition and construction; specifically, site prep and relocation of an existing water line.
City of Vandalia – MSW Plastics USA Inc. - $320,000
This project will allow MSW Plastics USA, a Canadian manufacturer of plastic extruded building materials, to purchase and renovate a vacant 61,000 square foot facility in the City of Vandalia. The company projects the $11 million investment, which will be MSW Plastics U.S. headquarters, will result in the creation of 35 jobs. Funds will be used for property acquisition and building renovation.
City of West Carrollton – Misumi USA, Inc. - $150,000
This project will allow Misumi USA, an existing manufacturing company, to construct a 55,000 square foot, state-of-the-art distribution facility adjacent to its existing facility in the City of West Carrollton. The company projects the $12 million investment, including significant equipment and automation costs, will result in the creation of 20 jobs. Funds will be used for building construction and land improvements.
Harrison Township – Staub Manufacturing Solutions - $75,000
This project will allow Staub Manufacturing Solutions, a manufacturing company, to purchase and renovate an existing 14,500 square foot facility adjacent to its current facility in Harrison Township. The company projects this $1.5 million investment will result in the creation of six (6) and the retention of 28 jobs. Funds will be used for building construction and renovation.
The ED/GE Program was established by the Montgomery County Commissioners in 1992 to attract jobs and retain the County’s tax base, reduce inter-local competition for development, enable the County to successfully compete as a region in national and international markets, and to share the benefits of county-wide economic prosperity among all jurisdictions in the County.
Since the inception of the ED/GE program, 461 projects across 27 communities in Montgomery County have received ED/GE grants to help them expand and grow. These projects have resulted in the creation of 24,000 private sector jobs and successfully leveraged over $2.8 billion in investment, or $31 for every $1 of ED/GE funds.
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